Long-Term Care Orientation Course for RNs and LPNs
The Long-Term Care Orientation for RNs and LPNs course was developed by the Nova Scotia Health Learning Institute for Health Care Providers, in collaboration with the Health Care Human Resource Sector Council and Nova Scotia Health and Wellness. The Long-Term Care Orientation for RNs and LPNs course provides standardized education for nurses as they transition into practice. This will ensure that LTC nurses are able to meet the knowledge and skill requirements to perform their roles, responsibilities, and provide quality, resident-centred care. Essential components of a transition to practice approach for LTC would include General Orientation, Clinical Orientation (Interprofessional Team), Nursing (RN and LPN) Orientation, and Preceptorship.
This course takes a total of twenty-six hours to complete (3 hrs./module x 6 modules + one, 8 hr. Skills Day). Modules 1-4 (e.g., 12 hrs. of independent online study) are be completed prior to entry into LTC practice. Nurses enter practice for 1 month prior to completing module 5. After completing module 5, nurses practice for an additional month prior to completing module 6. The online portion of course is completed within a total of 3 months. Anytime within this 3-month period, nurses are required to attend an 8-hr. Skills Day conducted by their facility.
The new orientation course will have online learning modules and a Preceptor Resource Guide.
- Modules 1–4 completed pre-entry to LTC practice
- Module 5 completed 1 month after starting LTC practice
- Module 6 completed 2 months after starting LTC practice
- Skills day completed within 3 months of starting practice (in person within each facility or shared between facilities)
The Preceptor Resource Guide provides preceptors with LTC-specific information, tools, and tips to support their practice. It can be used as a quick reference or read cover to cover to help new LTC nurses successfully transition to practice.
November 30 at 10:30 am - https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/5b75285a-1d73-4708-998d-62b38de4e44d@8eb23313-ce75-4345-a56a-297a2412b4db
January 19 T 10:30 am - https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/a3e42de3-b5a1-4804-b4bb-7405851ba1fd@8eb23313-ce75-4345-a56a-297a2412b4db
February 15 at 2pm - https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/9e4ad1a0-9928-4666-afc2-b5466464dc1f@8eb23313-ce75-4345-a56a-297a2412b4db